
How To Boost Your Home’s ROI With Landscaping


If you’re fortunate enough to own a yard, you may be wondering how to make the most of it. The truth is, landscaping work and other outdoor improvements aren’t just about maximizing your enjoyment. If you’re planning to sell your home one day, you may also want them to align with the preferences of future buyers.

The good news is, gorgeous landscaping work can have a significant impact on your bottom line. To transform your yard today and boost your return tomorrow, try these tips.

Opt for mature trees

Big, majestic trees do more than provide shade and beautify your yard. Studies show they can also increase your home’s value by up to $19,000. From impressive curb appeal to additional privacy and energy savings, mature trees offer benefits that are highly prized by buyers. Fortunately, you can improve you yard with aged spruces, oaks, or maples—even if you don’t have any now. Simply purchase semi-mature trees, have them planted, and—depending on the species—watch them grow a foot or two each year.

Plant with care

The planting you do now can impact the way your property looks in the future, and not just when it comes to trees. Choose the wrong annuals, and you may have to remove them when the time comes to sell. Fortunately, selecting timeless flowers, shrubs, and greenery can help ensure that your outdoor space has broad appeal, no matter when you put it on the market.

Invest in your lawn

For many sellers, getting the lawn in show-ready shape is a significant challenge. It’s especially difficult when weeds, pests, or disease are present. That’s why caring for your grass—which includes irrigating, watering, feeding, and generally keeping it well-kempt—should be an ongoing priority. If you wind up listing in the spring or summer, all the maintenance you’ve done will really make a difference. For advice, head over to your local gardening store.

Consider design principles

It’s never too early to start creating curb appeal. If it feels like your outdoor space is missing something—and you can’t quite put your finger on what that is—you may be lacking a cohesive design. The first step is choosing a focal point to draw the eye. Whether it’s a vibrantly-coloured front door or an elegant water feature, try using other visual elements to highlight it. A talented landscape designer can help ensure that the balance and proportions are just right.

Rethink the pool

If you think installing a pool will lead to a higher sale price for your home, think again. The upkeep and higher energy bills that come along with it won’t be for everyone. Of course, that shouldn’t dissuade you from purchasing a pool if you’ve always wanted one—and doing so certainly won’t prevent you from finding a buyer. Just don’t expect it to boost your return.

Bring your living space outside

Buyers see the potential in properties where they can imagine making themselves at home. That’s where building a serene outdoor space—whether it’s a beautifully-decorated deck, patio, or seating area—comes into play. To take things a step further, consider opting for a backyard kitchen. From smokers and grills to granite countertops, outdoor cooking and dining spaces are increasingly popular, especially in the luxury market.

If you spend a good deal of time in the yard, investing in it isn’t just about increasing its appeal in the eyes of buyers. It’s also about improving your quality of life. When you’re updating your landscaping, be sure to keep that balance in mind!

Thinking of selling your home in the not-so-distant future? Reach out to learn more about the process today!